1 on 1 or Small 2 to 4 Student Classes Only!
No Payment Contracts Required!
Half the Cost!
M.A.T. (Martial Arts Tutoring) is a private studio in Fairfax, VA that tutors 3 martial arts disciplines: Taekwondo, Hapkido, Kumdo, and also offers Self-defense and Cardio Kick classes.

Taekwondo is a martial arts discipline that focuses on strikng with hands and feet. It uses forms, sparring, and breaking techniques to help improve balance, strength, and flexibility.

Hapkido is a martial art that teaches self defense and grappling with sparring, take downs, and submission hold techniques.

Kumdo is a sword art that uses forms, sparring, and cutting to teach timing, precision, and coordination.
Self-defense classes focus on simple yet effective blocks, strikes, and grab escapes.
Carido Kick classes focus on striking with hands and feet as a general exercise type class.
The private studio is run by Instructor Brian Auger, who has been studying (20+ years) and teaching (Decade+) martial arts in a number of schools in the DC area. (Black Belt 2010)
Located in Fairfax city ~2 blocks from "Main Street Center" with Dunkin' Donuts, 7-11, & Goodwill.